Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Police, camera, action!

Part of a film is being shot where I'm moored up in Hackney. It's a terrorist film! There's an old wharf with an alley-way and over-shadowing train bridge with suitably dodgy nooks and crannies down at the canal edge. There are some gas storage tanks, empty and beautifully skeletal which were lit up for filming last night while a helicopter hovered and swooped for an hour last night. Exciting, but a ridiculous waste of fuel. They could have simply filmed the frequent copper choppers that patrol this area in the run up to the Olympics.
I'm such a killjoy, I know! It is quite interesting to see the bustle of filming and have big lights alongside the boat. Wonder if Blackbird will be in the film? The working title is 'Closed' but that's as much as I know.
All very hush-hush, daahling :-)

Sunday, 6 May 2012


I was sorting out my roof planters and buried deep in one, were these two eggs! I think they are either coot or moorhen eggs. I remember being disturbed by scrabbling on the roof at night, a few months ago so I suppose this is what was happening. Wonder if it was a fox or a rat? I haven't yet explored the other plant pots yet, so there may be more!
It reminded me of when my Mum kept finding lots of hens' eggs in the flower-pots in her garden.

Went to Little Venice cavalcade yesterday, which was a good opportunity to meet up with the Herbies, whose company I enjoy very much.